@article{oai:dmu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001151, author = {纐纈, 真一郎 and 窪田, 公一 and 楠美, 嘉晃 and 吉羽, 秀麿 and 多賀谷, 信美 and 鮫島, 伸一 and 大矢, 雅敏 and Koketsu, Shinichiro and Kubota, Koichi and Kusumi, Yoshiaki and Yoshiba, Hidemaro and Tagaya, Nobumi and Sameshima, Shinichi and Ooya, Masatoshi}, issue = {3}, journal = {Dokkyo journal of medical sciences}, month = {Oct}, note = {本邦では虫垂憩室炎は比較的稀な疾患であり臨床的に診断が困難である.虫垂炎が疑われる症例の中にも本症例のように虫垂憩室炎が存在する可能性がある.しかしそのような場合でも腹腔鏡下手術が有用と考えられる.慢性に経過し画像上虫垂憩室炎の診断に苦慮したが,治療に鏡視下手術が有用であった一例を経験し文献的な考察を加えて報告した.虫垂の炎症疾患を疑い外科的治療を施行する際には腹腔鏡下手術が望ましいと考えられた., Diverticulum of the vermiform appendix is rarely encounteredin Japan. It is difficult to diagnose diverticulum ofthe appendix preoperatively. A 37-year-old male patientcame to our hospital with presentation of acute abdominalpain in the right lower quadrant. We performed laparoscopicappendectomy under the diagnosis of the suspicion ofacute appendicitis. It showed severe adhesion between thetip of appendix and retroperitoneum with local inflammatoryreaction. Pathological examination revealed severalchronic diverticulitis and acute diverticulitis in the appendix.Laparoscopic surgery is very useful to dissect severeadhesion of appendix. Laparoscopic surgery for diverticulumof the appendix is an effective procedure., 症例報告, Case Report}, pages = {193--196}, title = {腹腔鏡下虫垂切除術を施行した虫垂憩室炎の1 例}, volume = {40}, year = {2013}, yomi = {コケツ, シンイチロウ and クボタ, コウイチ and クスミ, ヨシアキ and ヨシバ, ヒデマロ and タガヤ, ノブミ and サメシマ, シンイチ and オオヤ, マサトシ} }