@article{oai:dmu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001237, author = {定岡, 侑子 and 八木, 宏 and 鈴木, 啓介 and 岩端, 威之 and 太田, 茂之 and 慎, 武 and 佐藤, 両 and 西尾, 浩二郎 and 川口, 真琴 and 芦沢, 好夫 and 小堀, 善友 and 宋, 成浩 and 新井, 学 and 岡田, 弘 and Sadaoka, Yuko and Yagi, Hiroshi and Suzuki, Keisuke and Iwahata, Toshiyuki and Ota, Shigeyuki and Shinn, Takeshi and Sato, Ryo and Nishio, Koujirou and Kawaguchi, Makoto and Ashizawa, Yosio and Kobori, Yositomo and Soh, Shigehiro and Arai, Gaku and Okada, Hiroshi}, issue = {3}, journal = {Dokkyo journal of medical sciences}, month = {Oct}, note = {症例は49 歳女性.左水腎症と骨盤内リンパ節腫大の精査目的で当院紹介.CT・MRI で左下部尿管に造影効果を認める凹凸不整な腫瘍病変を認め,逆行性尿管造影で左尿管の完全閉塞を認めた.自然尿及び洗浄尿の細胞診は陰性であったが,画像所見から左尿管癌と診断し左尿管全摘除術を施行した.病理組織診で尿管子宮内膜症と診断され,術後は合併症なく退院した., A 49-years-old woman with left hydronephrosis was referred to our hospital. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging showed an irregular contrast enhanced mass of the ureter. A retrograde pyelography showed complete obstruction of the left ureter. Cytology of urine and irrigated ureteral urine were both negative for malignamt cells. Left ureteronephrectomy was performed under clinical diagnosis of the ureteral tumor. Pathological examination of surgical revealed endometriosis of the uteter. She was in good health at 6 months after the surgery with no evidence of recurrence., 症例報告}, pages = {231--234}, title = {尿管子宮内膜症の1 例}, volume = {41}, year = {2014}, yomi = {サダオカ, ユウコ and ヤギ, ヒロシ and スズキ, ケイスケ and イワハタ, トシユキ and オオタ, シゲユキ and シン, タケシ and サトウ, リヨウ and ニシオ, コウジロウ and カワグチ, マコト and アシザワ, ヨシオ and コボリ, ヨシトモ and ソウ, シゲヒロ and アライ, ガク and オカダ, ヒロシ} }