@article{oai:dmu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000127, author = {小板橋, 綾子 and 富永, 圭一 and 藤井, 陽一朗 and 生沼, 健司 and 鈴木, 保永 and 平石, 秀幸 and 寺野, 彰 and 石原, 哲也 and 平田, 幸一 and 藤盛, 孝博 and Koitabashi, Ayako and Tominaga, Keiichi and Fujii, Youichirou and Oinuma, Takeshi and Suzuki, Yasunaga and Hiraishi, Hideyuki and Terano, Akira and Isihara, Tetsuya and Hirata, Kouichi and Fujimori, Takahiro}, issue = {1}, journal = {Dokkyo journal of medical sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {症例は57歳,男性。脳硬塞にて入院中であったが,吐血をきたし内視鏡検査を施行した。胃体上部前壁に活動性潰瘍を認めた。潰瘍底は発赤した隆起を形成し心拍動に一致した動揺が認められた。内視鏡治療は断念し緊急手術の予定であったが,多量の出血をきたし手術に至らず出血性ショックで死亡した。剖検にて胃壁の漿膜から横隔膜を貫き心筋まで穿通した胃潰瘍と診断した。生前には心筋障害を示唆する臨床所見はなく,胃潰瘍の心への穿通は診断困難であった。消化性胃潰瘍の心への穿通は稀であり文献的考察を加え報告する。, 57-year-old man was admitted to our hospital because of cerebral infarction. After admission, he had hematemesis and underwent endoscopic examination. Gastric ulcer with oozing was noted at the anterior wall of the body. The ulcer bed was reddish and protruding with heart beat. Because of the difficulty of endoscopic hemostasis, we planned to perform urgent surgery for the bleeding ulcer. However, he died from hemorrhagic shock before surgery. At autopsy, penetration of gastric ulcer into the myocardium was found. It was difficult to make accurate diagnosis before death because of the lack of ECG findings to indicate myocardial damage. Herein, a rare case of penetration of gastric ulcer into the heart (pericardium and myocardium) has been reported., 症例報告, Case Report}, pages = {113--117}, title = {心筋まで穿通した胃潰瘍の一剖検例}, volume = {30}, year = {2003}, yomi = {コイタバシ, アヤコ and トミナガ, ケンイチ and フジイ, ヨウイチロウ and オイヌマ, タケシ and スズキ, ヤスナガ and ヒライシ, ヒデユキ and テラノ, アキラ and イシハラ, テツヤ and ヒラタ, コウイチ and フジモリ, タカヒロ} }