@article{oai:dmu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001294, author = {五月女, 俊也 and Saotome, Toshiya}, issue = {1}, journal = {Dokkyo journal of medical sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {末梢神経が障害されると脊髄後角の神経回路網の再構築が起こり,興奮性および抑制性シナプス伝達の変化が生じると考えられている.本研究では,高速イメージングシステムを用いた膜電位変化の観察により,末梢神経障害が脊髄後角表層内の興奮性シナプス伝達に与える影響を検討した.膜電位感受性色素で染色したマウス脊髄スライス標本の高速蛍光測定を行い,脊髄後根流入部の電気刺激で得られる脊髄後角表層の膜電位変化を観察した.さらに,CNQXおよびAPV灌流下の変化について調べた.そして,これらの変化における坐骨神経部分結紮による影響についても調べた.脊髄後根流入部の電気刺激で得られる脊髄後角表層の膜電位変化は,CNQXの灌流によって減弱し,APVの灌流でさらに減弱したが完全には消失しなかった.この現象は,坐骨神経部分結紮を施したマウスでより顕著にみられた.NMDA受容体とAMPA受容体を介する興奮性シナプス伝達が坐骨神経部分結紮によって増大することを高速蛍光測定法で確認した.神経障害によってNMDA受容体とAMPA受容体以外の興奮性シナプス伝達が亢進している可能性が示唆された., The effect of spinal synaptic change on development of neuropathic pain remains unclear. To determine the effect of sciatic nerve ligation on excitatory synaptic transmission in the spinal dorsal horn, we observed the optical images of fluorescent changes induced by electrical stimulation using voltage-sensitive dye. The sciatic nerve partial ligation was performed in 6 to 8 weeks male ICR mice, according to Seltzer's method under halothane anesthesia. The spinal slices were prepared one week after ligation, and incubated for 20 min with a di-4-ANEPPS to use optical imaging. After rinsing, the slices were placed into the recording chamber on the microscope stage and perfused by Krebs' solution. Fluorescent changes of di-4-ANEPPS in the spinal dorsal horn were measured using MiCAM02. During the observation, bicuculline, strychnine, CNQX and APV were perfused. The fluorescent changes in the dorsal horn were reduced by perfusion of CNQX and APV. The fluorescent changes were predominant in ligated mice compared to control mice. The blockade of CNQX and APV on excitatory synaptic transmissions was incomplete. These results suggested the implication of excitatory synaptic transmission except AMPA or NMDA were suspected., 原著}, pages = {51--58}, title = {神経障害後の脊髄後角におけるシナプス伝達の変化 : 膜電位イメージング法を用いて}, volume = {43}, year = {2016}, yomi = {サオトメ, トシヤ} }