@article{oai:dmu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002312, author = {寺本, 実加 and 貴田, あかり and 奥住, 裕二 and 内山, 健二 and 白橋, 亮作 and 小林, さゆき and 玉野, 正也 and Teramoto, Yoshika and Kida, Akari and Okuzumi, Yuji and Uchiyama, Kenji and Shirahashi, Ryosaku and Kobayashi, Sayuki and Tamano, Masaya}, issue = {2}, journal = {Dokkyo Journal of Medical Sciences}, month = {Jul}, note = {目的:人間ドック受診者にtransient elastography(TE)による肝硬度測定を行い,各種臨床パラメーターとの関連を検討した. 対象と方法:対象は当院ドックを受診した411名である.TEの測定結果を5kPa以上の群と5kPa未満の群に分け,受診者の背景と各種血液生化学検査値について比較した. 結果:TEは377例で施行され,測定値の平均は4.1kPaであった.TE高値群は48例,TE正常群は329例であった.BMIと拡張期血圧はTE高値群で有意に高値であった.TE高値群でAST,ALT,GGT,白血球,Hb,尿酸,HbA1c が有意に高く,HDLコレステロールは有意に低値であった. 考察:受診者の48/377例(12.7%)に肝硬度の高い症例を認めた.肝硬度は年齢,性別とは関連しないが,AST,ALT,GGT などの肝機能検査との相関が確認された.一方で,肝硬度高値群ではBMI,拡張期血圧,尿酸,HbA1c が高値,HDLコレステロールは低値を呈しており,肝硬度と生活習慣病との関連が示唆された. 結論:人間ドック受診者では肝硬度と生活習慣病との関連が示唆された., Objective:In the present study, liver stiffness was measured by transient elastography(TE)in individuals undergoing comprehensive health examination to analyze its relations to other clinical parameters. Subjects and Methods:A total of 411 individuals who underwent comprehensive health examination at our hospital were included in the study. The subjects were divided based on the TE measurement into two groups(stiffness ≥ 5 kPa(high TE)and<5 kPa(normal TE)), and their demographics and blood biochemistry results were compared. Results:TE was performed in 377 subjects, and the mean stiffness was 4.1 kPa;48 subjects were in the high TE group, and 329 subjects were in the normal TE group. The body mass index(BMI)and diastolic blood pressure were significantly higher in the high TE group. The levels of aspartate aminotransferase(AST), alanine aminotransferase(ALT), gamma-glutamyl transferase(GGT), white blood cells, hemoglobin(Hb), uric acid, and HbA1c were significantly higher in the high TE group, whereas the levels of high-density lipoprotein(HDL)cholesterol and platelets were significantly lower in the high TE group. Discussion:Liver stiffness was high in 12.7%(48/377)of the subjects who underwent TE. While liver stiffness was not associated with age or sex, it was associated with the indicators of liver function(AST, ALT, and GGT). The levels of BMI, diastolic blood pressure, uric acid, and HbA1c were high, whereas the level of HDL cholesterol was low in subjects with high liver stiffness. These findings suggest an association between liver stiffness and lifestyle diseases. Conclusion:The present findings suggest that there is an association between liver stiffness and lifestyle diseases in individuals undergoing comprehensive health examination.}, pages = {43--48}, title = {人間ドック受診者における肝硬度測定値の検討}, volume = {47}, year = {2020} }