@article{oai:dmu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002317, author = {髙栁, 文貴 and 今高, 城治 and 吉原, 重美 and Takayanagi, Fumitaka and Imataka, George and Yoshihara, Shigemi}, issue = {2}, journal = {Dokkyo Journal of Medical Sciences}, month = {Jul}, note = {症例1は18歳男性.脳性麻痺と難治てんかんのため寝たきりの状態である.誤嚥性肺炎を反復し6歳時に喉頭摘出術を施行.思春期に脊柱側弯症が進行した.肺炎で入院した際,呼吸状態悪化時の胸部X線画像でClearRead BS(bone suppression)® を使用し,両上肺野の浸潤影を明確に観察できた.症例2は19歳女性.基礎疾患は脳性麻痺.慢性呼吸不全のため4 歳時に気管切開を行い,以後在宅人工呼吸管理となった.思春期に脊柱側弯症と診断された.定期の胸部X 線画像でClearRead BS® を使用し,左上肺野と右肺門部の透過性の低下を明確に確認できた.重症心身障害者では脊柱側弯症の合併が多く,骨の重なりにより肺野の評価が難しい場合,ClearRead BS® の使用によりその評価能の向上が可能となる., Case 1 is an 18-year-old man. He is bedridden due to cerebral palsy and intractable epilepsy. Laryngectomy was performed at age 6 because of repeated aspiration pneumonia. Scoliosis progressed during adolescence. When he was admitted to the hospital with acute pneumonia, ClearRead BS was used on chest X-ray images and the infiltrative shadows in both upper lung fields could be clearly observed. Case 2 is a 19-year-old woman. Her underlying disease is cerebral palsy. A tracheotomy was performed at the age of 4 years due to chronic respiratory failure. Since then, she has been cared ventilator management at her home. By the time she is adolescent, her scoliosis had seriously progressed. Using ClearRead BS on the follow up regular chest X-ray images at outpatient department, a decrease in the permeability of the left upper lung field and the right lung hilum was clearly confirmed. In severely handicapped patients, scoliosis is often complicated. For that reason, when it is difficult to evaluate the lung X-ray field due to overlapping bones, the new tool of ClearRead BS can improve the evaluation ability.}, pages = {79--82}, title = {脊柱側弯症を伴う重症心身障害者の胸部レントゲンに対するClearRead BS®の有用性}, volume = {47}, year = {2020} }