@article{oai:dmu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000303, author = {渡辺, 建介 and Watanabe, Kensuke}, issue = {3}, journal = {Dokkyo journal of medical sciences}, month = {Oct}, note = {耳鼻咽喉科領域で最もポピュラーな感染症である急性中耳炎,急性副鼻腔炎,急性扁桃炎について概説した.これらの感染症で重要な位置をしめるのは鼻咽腔である.鼻咽腔に存在する細菌は中耳炎や副鼻腔の原因菌となる.起炎菌には肺炎球菌,インフルエンザ菌,モラキセラ・カタラーリスがあり,扁桃炎にはA群溶連菌も起炎菌の一つとして重要である.治療に際しては耐性菌の発生を防ぐ事に全力を上げるべきである.そのためにはまず,抗菌薬なしでの発病予防に力を入れる事が大事である.鼻咽腔の清掃は鼻洗浄が有効であり,口蓋扁桃に対しては就寝時のアズノールST^<(R)>使用が有効である.初診時のemoiric therapyとしての抗菌薬としてはアモキシシリンが第一選択薬として推奨される., An outline is described about the most popular infectious diseases in otorhinolaryngology, which include acute otitis media, sinusitis and tonsillitis. The bacteria of nasopharynx are bearing the most important role in these infections. The bacteria which exist in nasopharynx cause acute otitis media or sinusitis. The pathogenic bacteria are H. influenzae, S. pneumoniae and M. Catarrhalis and group A srteptococcus is also one of the impotant pathogenic bactria of tonsillitis. We have to do our best in preventing the appearance of drug resistant bacteria during medical treatment. For this purpose, the treatment without antibiotics has to be reexamined. Nasal washing is very effective for cleaning nasopharynx and the medication in the month of Azunol ST^<(R)>, is effective to prevent tonsillitis. As antibiotics in empiric therapy, amoxiphilin is recommended as the first choice medicine., 特集, Special Edition}, pages = {275--280}, title = {耳鼻咽喉科領誠における感染症(<特集>感染症の最近の動向)}, volume = {31}, year = {2004}, yomi = {ワタナベ, ケンスケ} }