@article{oai:dmu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000304, author = {北原, 聡史 and Kitahara, Satoshi}, issue = {3}, journal = {Dokkyo journal of medical sciences}, month = {Oct}, note = {最近の10年では若者を中心に性感染症に無関心な者が増加し,クラミジアを代表に性感染症は増加傾向にある.AIDSおよびHIV感染症は多くの国では多大な努力により減少傾向であるのに対して,本邦を含めたアジアでの発生数は増加し,将来が危惧されている.尿道炎の原因のひとつである淋病は先進国で唯一増加傾向にあるのが日本だと言われている.これまで高頻度に使用されていたニューキノロン系の抗生剤をはじめとして多く抗生物質に耐性が見られ,問題となっている., For the last decade, sexually transmitted disease (STD), especially chlamydia infection, increased in Japan, because young people did not pay attention to STD. An omen of outbreak of HIV infection and AIDS has been reported in Asia and number of the patients is still growing in Japan. Owing to enormous efforts against HIV infection, epidemic of the disease in many other counties is declining. Gonorrhea infection, which causes male urethritis and female pelvic infection, is boosting only in Japan among developed countries. Neisseria Gonorrheae has gained resistance to many antimicrobial drugs. The resistance makes it very difficult to treat the disease with success., 特集, Special Edition}, pages = {281--285}, title = {性感染症(STD)(<特集>感染症の最近の動向)}, volume = {31}, year = {2004}, yomi = {キタハラ, サトシ} }