@article{oai:dmu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000430, author = {吉田, 憲司 and 生沼, 健司 and 平石, 秀幸 and 村上, 直彦 and 中津川, 昌利 and 福田, 晴美 and 高橋, 秀光 and 小野, 祐子 and Yoshida, Kenji and Oinuma, Takeshi and Hiraishi, Hideyuki and Murakami, Naohiko and Nakatsugawa, Masatoshi and Fukuda, Harumi and Takahashi, Hidemitsu and Ono, Yuko}, issue = {1}, journal = {Dokkyo journal of medical sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {症例は63歳の男性.主訴は呼吸苦,黒色便と腹部膨満感.身体所見と血液検査で貧血を認め,鉄剤の経口投与を開始.5日後下痢と腹部膨満感を訴えて再度来院.腹部超音波検査で腹水を認め,利尿剤を開始したところ腹部膨満感は軽快.しかし,5日後腹部膨満感が再度出現したため当院受診.呼吸苦と顔色不良および黒色便を認め,消化管出血を疑い同日入院.血液検査で貧血を認めたが,上部消化管内視鏡検査では出血源を認めず.同日腹痛,血圧の低下を認め,貧血の増悪あり濃厚赤血球を投与.腹部単純CTで腹水を認め,その2日後の試験穿刺で血性腹水を確認.腹腔内出血と診断したが出血源は同定できず,同日状態が悪化し死亡した.病理解剖を行い,脾血管腫破裂痕を認め,同部からの出血による出血性ショックと診断した.生前に診断困難で,剖検により脾血管腫破裂と診断した1例を経験したので報告する., Non-traumatic rupture of the splenic tumor is a rare condition. We report a case of the non-traumatic rupture of splenic hemangioma in a 63 year-old male patient. His clinical presentations were dyspnea, abdominal fullness and tarry stool, which made us suspect gastrointestinal bleeding. However, no bleeding focus was observed on esophago-gastro-duodenoscopy. Ascites was detected on computed tomography and abdominal parencesis showed that it was bloody. On the basis of these observations, we diagnosed his illness as the intraabdominal bleeding, but could not clarify the origin of the bloody ascites. The patient was dead from hypovolemic shock due to intraabdominal bleeding. Pathological examination showed that the intraabdominal bleeding was caused by non-traumatic rupture of splenic hemangioma and that his tarry stool was caused by ischemic colitis., 症例報告, Case Report}, pages = {111--115}, title = {剖検により診断された非外傷性脾血管腫破裂の1例}, volume = {33}, year = {2006}, yomi = {ヨシダ, ケンジ and オイヌマ, タケシ and ヒライシ, ヒデユキ and ムラカミ, ナオヒコ and ナカツガワ, マサトシ and フクダ, ハルミ and タカハシ, ヒデミツ and オノ, ユウコ} }