@article{oai:dmu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000555, author = {鈴木, 司 and 今井, 康雄 and 福田, 和仙 and 國實, 久秋 and 村上, 俊一 and 上田, 善彦 and 滝本, 寿郎 and 佐藤, 英幸 and Suzuki, Tsukasa and Imai, Yasuo and Fukuda, Kazunori and Kunizane, Hisaaki and Murakami, Toshikazu and Ueda, Yoshihiko and Takimoto, Toshiro and Satoh, Hideaki}, issue = {2}, journal = {Dokkyo journal of medical sciences}, month = {Jul}, note = {当院における1984年から2005年(22年間)の病理解剖症例1360例を,プロトコールと臨床診療録を用いて臨床病理学的評価について検討した.剖検率は最高値で47.6%であったが,近年減少傾向が著明に認められた.全症例のうち臨床診断と病理診断の主病変の一致症例は1134例に認め,一致率は83.4%であった.剖検数の中で最も割合の多かったものは悪性腫瘍であったが,悪性腫瘍や心血管疾患領域での臨床診断と病理解剖診断の一致率は高かったが,肺動脈血栓塞栓症では一致率は低かった.剖検数の推移では近年著明な低下傾向を示していた.当院をはじめ多くの施設では剖検数は減少傾向にあるが,研修医の教育,内科認定医,内科および病理専門医などの研修施設である当院では臨床病理検討会(Clinico-pathological conference : CPC)の価値は非常に高く,当院全体として剖検率を上げる努力が必要と考えられた.また,多くの領域において剖検が生前の病態解明に寄与していると考えられた., In Dokkyo Medical University Koshigaya Hospital, a total of 1,360 autopsies (male 924 ; female 436) were performed from January 1984 to December 2005. The rate of autopsy cases out of the total deaths consistently tended to decrease, from 47.6% in 1985 to 2.6% in 2005. Primary causes of death in autopsies cases were mostly malignant neoplasm. Final pathological diagnoses were consistent with clinical diagnoses in 1134 (83.4%) out of the total autopsy cases, while there were major discrepancies between autopsy findings and clinical diagnoses in the remaining 226 (16.6%) cases. In this manuscript, a total numbers of autopsy cases per year, a number of autopsy in each department, percentage of the main pathological diagnosis, numbers of cases with malignant neoplasm, cardiovascular diseases, and thromboembolisms a number of cases in the emergency medical center were analyzed. Although the number of autopsy cases continues to decline also in Koshigaya Hospital, maximal efforts should be made to increase a number of autopsy cases since a certain level of autopsy rate is needed for accreditation of educational facilities of trainee doctors and specialists in some areas of medicine. It should also be remembered that autopsy is very important and effective to understand the exact mechanism of patients' death., 原著, Original}, pages = {101--108}, title = {病理解剖症例における解剖所見と臨床的診断の評価 : 開院後22年間1360例の解析}, volume = {34}, year = {2007}, yomi = {スズキ, ツカサ and イマイ, ヤスオ and フクダ, カズノリ and クニザネ, ヒサアキ and ムラカミ, トシカズ and ウエダ, ヨシヒコ and タキモト, トシロウ and サトウ, ヒデアキ} }