@article{oai:dmu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000811, author = {池野, 義彦 and 戸田, 正夫 and 鹿島, 隆一 and 降旗, 友恵 and 新井, 良 and 阿久津, 郁夫 and 石井, 芳樹 and 福田, 健 and 岡田, 壮令 and 眞塩, 一樹 and 崎尾, 浩由 and 近江, 史人 and Ikeno, Yoshihiko and Toda, Masao and Kashima, Ryuichi and Furihata, Tomoe and Arai, Ryo and Akutsu, Ikuo and Ishii, Yoshiki and Fukuda, Takeshi and Okada, Takenori and Mashio, Kazuki and Sakio, Hiroyuki and Omi, Fumito}, issue = {3}, journal = {Dokkyo journal of medical sciences}, month = {Oct}, note = {35歳男性.入院約6週前より喀痰,咳嗽出現.数日前に左上肺空洞影指摘,喀痰中抗酸菌(3+)検出され入院.INH,RFP,PZA 及びEB による標準化学療法が開始された.咳嗽,呼吸困難,両肺野狭窄音聴取及び多量排菌持続し,気管支鏡所見上気管〜両側主気管支に隆起性潰瘍病変を認め,気管支結核を確定.高度の呼吸器症状遷延のため中等量のステロイド点滴投与を開始し,症状ならびに気道粘膜病変は改善した.高率に気管・気管支瘢痕収縮へ移行しうる気道粘膜像であったが,中等量の全身ステロイド療法により回避された.気道瘢痕狭窄回避のため,気管支結核活動性病変には中等量以上の全身ステロイド療法を考慮すべきと考えられた., A 35-year-old man admitted to the hospital because of acavitary lesion in the lung and acid-fast bacilli (AFB) (3+) in a sputum specimen, a polymerase-chain-reaction ofwhich revealed positive for M. tuberculosis. He had beenwell until approximately 6 weeks before admission, whenproductive cough developed. He also had temperature of upto 38 ℃, hoarseness, and shortness of breath couple of daysbefore. Intractable cough, dyspnea, wheeze in both lungfields, and numerous AFB in a sputum sustained, despiteprompt introduction of conventional chemotherapy containingINH, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol. Diagnosisof EBTB was confirmed by fibroptic bronchoscopy,which revealed granulomatous ulceration in the mucosa oftrachea and both main bronchi. Accordingly, intravenousmedium-dose methylprednisolone was administered, resultingrelief from serious respiratory manifestation and avoidanceof cicatricial stenosis of trachea and bronchi. This outcomesuggested that the current early intervention withglucocorticoid should be considered in serious active lesionof tracheal and bronchial mucosa in patients with EBTB., 症例報告}, pages = {153--159}, title = {早期の全身ステロイド療法により気道の瘢痕狭窄を回避出来た気管支結核の1症例}, volume = {36}, year = {2009}, yomi = {イケノ, ヨシヒコ and トダ, マサオ and カシマ, リュウイチ and フリハタ, トモエ and アライ, リョウ and アクツ, イクオ and イシイ, ヨシキ and フクダ, タケシ and オカダ, タケノリ and マシオ, カズキ and サキオ, ヒロユキ and オウミ, フミト} }