@article{oai:dmu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000841, author = {伊藤, 竜成 and 西尾, 正哉 and 伊勢, 武比古 and 筑田, 眞 and Ito, Tatsunari and Nishio, Masaya and Ise, Takehiko and Chikuda, Makoto}, issue = {2}, journal = {Dokkyo journal of medical sciences}, month = {Jul}, note = {目的:獨協医科大学越谷病院眼科の裂孔原性網膜剥離に対する手術成績を報告する.対象:平成17年1月から12月までの1年間に当科で初回手術を施行した裂孔原性網膜剥離101例102眼.結果:強膜内陥術施行群(50眼)では,初回で40眼(80%)が復位し,最終的には全例で復位した.硝子体手術施行群(47眼)では,初回で44眼(93.6%)が復位し,最終的には全例で復位した.気体網膜復位術施行群(5 眼)では初回で全例が復位した.全体では初回復位例は102眼中89眼(87.2%)であり,最終的には102眼全例が復位した.結論:術前・術中の裂孔部位の詳細な観察と把握は,より適切な術式選択を可能とし,初回復位率の向上につながる., PURPOSE:We studied surgical results of rhegmatogenousretinal detachment in our institution. PATIENTS:Weperformed surgery on 102 eyes from 101 patients. RESULTS:The primary retinal reattachment rate was 80.0% in the scleral buckling,and 93.6 % in the vitrectomy,and100 % in the peumatic retinopexy. The final retinal reattachmentrate with further surgery was 100 % in the scleralbuckling,and 100 % in the vitrectomy. The reattachmentrate primary in all was 87.2 %. The final retinal reattachmentrate with further surgery was 100 %. CONCLUSION:An adequate observation of retinal lesion causingthe break during preoperation and postoperattion can helpin selection of the surgical procedure appropriate to treatretinal detachment to produce better surgical results., 原著, Original}, pages = {63--68}, title = {裂孔原性網膜剥離に対する術式選択}, volume = {37}, year = {2010}, yomi = {イトウ, タツナリ and ニシオ, マサヤ and イセ, タケヒコ and チクダ, マコト} }