@article{oai:dmu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000941, author = {渡部, 功之 and 今高, 城治 and 栗林, 良多 and 山崎, 弦 and 坪井, 弥生 and 鈴村, 宏 and 有阪, 治 and Watabe, Yoshiuiki and Imataka, George and Kuribayashi, Ryouta and Yamazaki, Yuzuru and Tsuboi, Yayoi and Suzumura, Hiroshi and Arisaka, Osamu}, issue = {2}, journal = {Dokkyo journal of medical sciences}, month = {Jul}, note = {小脳低形成は失調を起こす先天的な脳形成異常である.近年,小脳低形成と超低出生体重児の関連性が指摘されている.我々は運動発達の遅れを契機に小脳低形成と診断した小児例を報告する.症例は1 歳8ヶ月の女児.在胎23 週5 日,出生体重555 g の超低出生体重の分娩歴がある.出生後,呼吸障害にて日齢99 まで人工呼吸器管理を要した.日齡173,後遺症なく退院.1 歳6 ヶ月で座位と立位保持が不安定性であった.脳MRI を行い小脳低形成と診断した.児はその後リハビリテーションを開始し歩行を獲得した.低出生体重児で座位保持困難などの運動発達遅滞が見られた場合,正期産よりも小脳低形成の合併が多いことを考慮し,早期にMRI を施行することが望ましい., Congental cereballer hypoplasia is a well known cause oftruncal ataxia. In recent years, several report showed a correlationbetween very low birth weight infant and hypoplasiaof cerebellum. Here we report a patient with cerebellarhypoplasia who was born with 23 weeks gestational age,weighting 555 g. She was immediately treated with artificialventilation until 99th day of her age due to respiratory failure.At the 173th day, she was discharged from the neonatalintensive care unit with no apparent sequela. At oneyear and 3month-old, she could not walk and keep sittingalone. Brain MRI showed hypoplasia of both cereballarhemisphere and vermis. The diagnosis of congenital cerebellarhypoplasia was made and rehabilitation therapy wasstated. Physicians should recognize the high prevalence ofcerebellar hypoplasia when examine very low birth weightinfant with developmental motor delay, and brain MRIstudy is useful to detect this condition., 症例報告, Case Report}, pages = {179--182}, title = {小脳低形成を認めた超低出生体重児の女児}, volume = {38}, year = {2011}, yomi = {ワタベ, ヨシユキ and イマタカ, ジョウジ and クリバヤシ, リョウタ and ヤマザキ, ユズル and ツボイ, ヤヨイ and スズムラ, ヒロシ and アリサカ, オサム} }